Friday, December 26, 2008

our first married christmas

ashley and trace made one of these and i think its a wonderful idea- so all the credit goes to them!! :) this christmas was our first christmas as mr. & mrs. wolfe. i think we both had a really amazing christmas complete with alll of the family for the first time in the five years we have been together!! both of our families are really supportive of our new marriage and it helps a lot when you have a net to fall into. christmas eve we went to grandma parkers house in lewisburg. her house is always so festive and she is always a wonderful host. her celebrations are always my favorite. we plan on going to lisa and eddie's for new years as far as we know. here are how are holidays were lined up::

christmas eve
-grandpa cooks
-grandma parkers
-mother in law- sherrys
-sleep at our house

-christmas morning at our house w/ mother in law- susan
-movie with sherry, michael and krystin

dec 26
-dinner with father in law- tony
-relaxed at his house with him and cindy
(tonight we are at home playin wii)

-game night at trace and ashleys
-christmas party at laura and kevins
-spend night in eaton w/ laura or west alex w/ dad

1 comment:

  1. haha. I didn't know you made one of these. YAY! another one to follow. I love blogging but I hate for my myspace to look junky. I already have loads of pictures that I need to arrange/organize. Anyways, can't wait to see pictures. Ekk! I'm excited now! :)
