Wednesday, January 21, 2009

long time;; no sea

i finally got a new computer;; i am truly blessed that my mother and i were getting along for enough time that she decided to buy me a new computer.
it's wednesday night. i thought it was tuesday till about 5 pm. i am glad that i did the right days homework without knowin it... i grouped monday and tuesday together as the same day because obama was all over the tv and it made me miss some good shows. today i spent all day laughing with ashley online and in text messages and doing homework. now that i am done with the homework for the day i have time to do this and watch a movie. i dont know what movie i am watching but thats the plan. i talked to my friend kyle who is in bagdad today. he had the night off so he was allowed to get on the internet there. it's scary how many places our soliders are these days. kyle is in bagdad and steven is in saudi. i pray for them nightly but i still worry most of the day. nicole is in washington dc and angela is mississippi. i feel safe that my lady friends are in the united states. i spent all of yesterday scrapbooking. today i was cleaning and doing homework. tomorrow i have a meeting with my advisor at iue. i am planning out the rest of my bachelors degree so who knows how long that is going to take. i edited a lot of pictures on this week. i even bought myself a premium subscription for a year. it made me happy. my heat is on high in my room but yet i still have goose bumps its pretty disappointing.. i got a blackberry last week-- we switched to cincinnati bell.. and now i am officially spoiled. i can do anything i want on the internet at a drop of a hat.. lol so now its even less likely that i will be doing my homework in a timely fashion.. i really shouldnt have taken 16 credit hours online.. and the coaching job i have been waiting for hasnt worked out so thats a bummer. on the up side i am meeting eric for lunch this friday.. and i got to see chelsea two times in one week.. thats special for sure!! eric is walking in graduation this spring even though he has summer classes and student teaching in the fall;; i get to plan a graduation party i guess... in three months, kim goes to trial. its been on my mind a lot.. i try to distract myself. i found a thing in 17 a couple years ago
21 things to do before you're 21;; heres the list.
1. take a road trip.
2. learn to play a musical instrument
3. go skinny-dipping.
4. save$1,000.
5. know your grandparents.
6. buy a lottery ticket.
7. win an award.
8. say i love you.
9. learn to drive a stick shift.
10. milk a cow.
11. forgive someone.
12. have your fortune told.
13. go to a drive-in.
14. do your own laundry.
15. ride a horse.
16. donate your formal dresses.
17. see the ocean.
18. waitress at least once.
19. see one thing that is the "world's largest"
20. leave the country.
21. learn how to love your body.

-items done- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18
-items needed- 6, 9, 12, 16, 19, 20, 21


  1. i love listening to you ramble. lol! ;)

    lets see, i've done:: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, attempted 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 (in my eyes!), and 21 is a work in progress!
