Monday, January 12, 2009

random boredness.

so... since my little sister has died.. i notice the noun Hope more often.. i notice when people say "i hope you.." and when people use hope as a regular noun.. it is not a regular noun to me... it bothers me.. it makes me remember.... and i hate it.. i wish i could forget.. :[

note: i did not take these pictures.
i found them on xanga.
because i still use xanga. lol

i am kinda bored today.

i should be doing the dishes.
but i am nottttt.


  1. this brought tears to my eyes. i am one of those people that use the word "hope" as a regular noun. but i do have to say that everytime i type it, write it, say it, i reassure myself that i sincerely mean it. furture note::: never read my morning bulletins. once again, i am sorry for the loss of your sister. my apology will never changed what happened, but atleast you know there are people here to support you. HAVE a beautiful day Miss Amy Wolfe, or I said say MRS.! =]

  2. ps. i can't believe you honestly want a sweatshirt a like mine! bahaha! i bought it at kohls about a year ago bc trace thought it was funny. and i can't believe i walked out of the house with it on! LOL
